What did you read in 2009 that you'd recommend--or discommend--to others?
I read almost no fiction last year: a state of affairs I hope to change in the New Year. But judging from my current list of books on hold at MultCoLib, I'm not making particularly good progress on that front.
Yesterday, I picked up my first holds-batch of 2010: The Professional Chef (the core textbook used at the CIA), Gourmet Today: More than 1000 All-New Recipes for the Contemporary Kitchen (which, after the briefest of perusals, I'm thinking I will have to pony up for so I can own it forever), The Best Vegetarian Recipes: From Greens to Grains, from Soups to Salads: 200 Bold Flavored Recipes* (by the incomparable Martha Rose Shulman, whose recipe for Spinach-Potato Soup has become a Schardt-family-wide classic, and who also writes a very fine column on vegetarian cooking at the New York Times)...
...and Dethalbum II by, um, Dethklok. Because I want to encourage Fisher in his budding passion for METAL**, and also because our house was just not complete without a little more Metalocalypse. (Neither is yours. Seriously. Go watch it.)
After a long dry spell of not really acquiring any new music unless I needed it for Quizissippi (which is a whole nother story and will be told a whole nother time), I spent the last couple days in a frenzy of downloading... The Flaming Lips' astonishingly awesome "Embryonic," Rodrigo & Gabriela's [shut up] "11:11" [shut up... it was free and I kind of like it] and...um... Oasis. Yeah.
So what are you reading? What are you listening to?
*What's up with the double colons in the title? Can you do that? I meet this trend with stern disfavor.
**which takes its funniest form in his use of the word "metal" to mean "a thing I personally like," as in "Spaghetti soup is METAL!" and "Catching snowflakes on your tongue is METAL!"