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January 21, 2010


Anne Horner

This was DELICIOUS!!


Yes, a bacon category would be great. That way I can buy a Costco-sized pack of bacon and cook it into delicious soups (and maybe a quiche or two, since I can't resist) over the course of a week or so.

As soon as I can cook again, I think this is the first one I'm making. I love bacon; I love cabbage; I love tortellini. D'you think I could make large quantities and freeze?


Bacon needs a whole new stunt blog Molly!


Amy: OK, a bacon category it is. I think this soup would freeze beautifully, for the most part, but I would keep out the tortellini or pasta until I was ready to reheat & serve it. Have never had great luck with freezing/reheating cooked pasta. You could even cook it separately and just stir it into the hot soup.

Polly: Sure, next year, maybe.

Shady Lady

I am enjoying all the yummy soup posts! I'm not cooking any at the moment. There doesn't seem to be much point with the Lizard King in Afghanistan. He's home in September and I can't wait to cook in my new kitchen!!

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