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January 26, 2010


April Anderton

Would it be completely sacrilegious if I muddied this soup with Cheeeeeeese? :) Heh.


I think it would be really really nice with cheese... maybe with some Gruyere or a really sharp white Cheddar?

April Anderton

Extra sharp white cheddar it is! :) Simmering now. Did I mention I LOVE this project?


I gotta try this with the cheese now... but probably not until after the project's over! Sigh...

April Anderton

Well, the family LOVED it and they are pretty picky. I did a couple things different (one on accident). I read the part about steaming and steamed all the cauliflower in the microwave. Then I actually read the whole recipe. Oops. On the bright side, it cut down the cook time. :) Because of this error, the rice wasn't going to work. We only use brown rice and it takes longer than the new shorter simmer time but I *DID* have two small baked potatoes from the night before and they were perfect. I think another one of your readers mentioned they did this as well. It added a bit of substance but was mild enough not to make a big difference in flavor (or lack thereof). The addition of super sharp white cheddar was perfect and even the kids had seconds. I will totally make this again. Probably BEFORE the project is over. :)

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