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September 20, 2008



Mmm, that sounds good. I wonder if DH would like it. He's not a big bell pepper person, but he does like roasted red peppers.


This sounds delicious. Yum!
We're having pork roast with red cabbage and mashed potatoes tomorrow night. The weather will be perfect for that. :)
I love the fall too. It's my favorite season. It's like New Years to me. A new, fresh, vibrant start.


Helena, I bet he might like it. I'm not a green bell pepper fan at all, but I love roasted red peppers. I think the long slow cooking in this soup develops some of the same sweetness and takes away the bitter edge that peppers can have. Let me know if you try it!

SLF, you've inspired me. I made a big ol' pork stew in the Crock-Pot today. No red cabbage, but I did buy half a head of green cabbage today to eat later this week. And potatoes to mash, too! Mashed potatoes are seriously the best food ever.


Yum. I like peppers in all incarnatoins (except hot) and it sounds good.

Are your ATCs on the way to me?


Sounds like yummy soup! As soon as our temperature starts to drop I'll give this a try. Our temp is still in the 80's, so I'll keep waiting. I want soup in my belly, a fire in the woodstove, and some chill in the air outside. Oh, please!

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