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August 25, 2008



Yay! (Yeah, I'd say the 99th percentile is at least "satisfactory.") Sounds like you must be doing something right.




In the NW regional district, we're no longer required to submit our test results.


I'll have my girl on a plane to PDX if this year's school isn't a good match! Carry on!

Summer Aiello



Woooohooooooooo, Fisher! Congratulations. :) You are awesome.

Lori V.

All that child abuse obviously leads to a severe drop in intellect, Molly. You'd better bundle Fisher up on the next school bus out of there! ;-)

Congrats, Fisher... you are the man!

Stephanie T.

And you were worried about what?????????????
Nice job mumsie!

Sent one to third grade and one to 6th grade (middle school) today...and it feels like I've sent them to a Siberian work camp. To say I dislike and/or distrust our school system is a gross understatement...Can we hire you? My girls love legos, head banger music and will read... without begging.


Huzzah for Fisher! The boy is brilliant, though there was never really a question about that.


Yay for Fisher. Interesting scale the Department uses. Maybe not enough head-banging music over there...


Big Kisses! Was there a multiple choice on "Slang for Police"? ;)

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