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August 03, 2008



THANK YOU for that website!!!!! I am somehow incapable of cooking for less than 6 people per meal (not helpful for our 2 adult, 2 picky kids household). That site is awesome!!!

And I buy almost all our meat at the Almost But Not Quite Grey counter! Love me some deals!


After your cooked chicken post, I waddled out a couple days later and bought the chicken. I'm ashamed to say it languishes still in the freezer. I am now officially inspired.


I am all about the used meat--I almost bitch-slapped a little old lady a few weeks ago when she grabbed up the package of reduced stew meat I was reaching for! Then I tried to remind myself that she probably needed it more than I did. Bah humbug.

Thanks for the site suggestion--we waste more food than two people should. So few recipes are geared for two people, so there's always leftovers and sometimes they just don't get eaten.


also into the not-quite-gone meat. what's for dinner? whatever the manager says has to go. Also, if it's an over buy sale of fresh stuff, it gets cubed up and frozen over here, too.

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