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August 16, 2008



I'm lame and never comment, although I love your blog. I actually am having a rare leisurely Sunday morning so I thought I could throw some bands at you. You might like Robert Rich, Steve Roach, Pan America, Arvo Part, Future Sound of London, Fredrik Thordendal, for starters. If these appeal to you I can list off some others.


The first thing I thought of was the "Non Nobis, Domine" piece from Henry V, but perhaps that doesn't really fit.


BR549-not classic but definitely more of an older hillbilly music sound

Hank Williams both one and three but the middle Hank can suck it imo. Watch out for III's metal stuff though. Not nearly as good.

Trent Sumnar and The New Row Mob-again, not classic, but it's fun.

Dwight Yoakam-more not old and/or classic, but he's awesome

Emmylou Harris-if for no other reason than her voice which is so pretty you almost want to cry

Buck Owens-you may already be listening to this guy, certainly falls into the classic category. More than anything what I love is the guitar playing by Don Rich.

Magpie Ima

My ability to handle country is quite limited. I think it's the Jew in me but whatever. I do love Patsy Cline but otherwise I've pretty much blocked out everything country-ish from my musical life except The Be Good Tanyas who I adore.


Waylon Jennings!!! Also John Prine and Tammy Wynette (from opposite ends of the country spectrum).

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I loved him very deeply and he loved me too. Though we couldn't have been more different from one another, from the very first moment that we met, he embracasdfed me into his family and loved me as if I were one of his own.

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