OK. Just a couple quick anecdotes about this kid we call "Spicoli." (Have I mentioned that before? I have a nagging feeling that I have. But since Typepad did this STUPID FREAKIN REDESIGN that REMOVED THE POST SEARCH FUNCTION, I can't really tell you, can I? But bear with me here.)
Yesterday, Jim took the boys for a bike ride along the westside waterfront. (Ought that to be capitalized?) There, they discovered a plaque marking the location of a Native American campsite from 1848.
Rhys: "What happened to the Native Americans? How come they're not here any more?"
Jim: "Well, when the white people came along and decided they wanted the land, they kind of pushed the Native Americans out."
Rhys: "Just like the Chinese did in Tibet."
And just a few minutes ago, I asked Rhys "How do you spell Playmobil?"
He responded "P-L-A-M... no, 'play' has a 'y'... Y-M-O-B-E..."
Fisher busted in "Rhys, what other letter says 'eeee?' "
Rhys had no idea.
Fisher provided him with "I."
Rhys looked confused. "OK... then is there an 'S?' "
Just when you think you're making great strides... yeah, the kid is totally Spicoli.
Little Rhys is one very special kid... and so cute!! :)
Posted by: Ute | July 18, 2008 at 06:29 PM