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July 20, 2008



Have you run across this little gem?

1. There is a young man from Peru
Whose limericks end on line two

2. There is a young man from Verdun


re: Flanders, Rev. Lovejoy, Mr. Burns

Hey, we must be using the same curriculum!


Ugh, I said recently to my husband, that your family is one of those really smart families, that I sometimes feel slightly un-intelligent next to. This post confirms this. :)


I'm going to mirror Ute's comment. A third or so of the historical-type questions they ask me have one answer: "Ask your mom, dude. I have no idea." Ha.

Oh, and you should post that letter about the Rainbow Resource Center.

See you Wednesday.


Eryn... hey, at least a third of the questions they ask me have almost the same answer. "I have no idea." Sometimes, if I'm feeling charitable, I ask "Do you want to Google that?" More often, I say "These questions are making my brain hurt. My eardrums need a break." Yeah, I'm a great freakin' mom.

Can't wait to see you Wednesday! I sent the letter today... I'll show it to you then. It was probably too long.


I literally want to weep with happiness that you have kids who know what Verdun and Flanders are. I'm a dork, but it warms my heart and gives me hope, LOL.

And do share the RRC letter!

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