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June 15, 2008



I hope he will end the mess in Iraq, if it is indeed endable.

But the number one, imperative, I-have-blinders-on issue for me is the court.

Folks don't realize how much influence that single branch of government has over our day-to-day lives. I'd like to appoint round-the-clock body guards and physicians for Justice Stephens until January 20, 2009.

On a lighter note, did I tell you that someone STOLE MY OBAMA MAGNET right off my van a couple of weeks ago? Its replacement has arrived and I shall not be moved.


Ha. That (comment above) is why my O magnet is on my fridge, for now, while my car just gets a sticker. If someone wants to sit there picking it off, he can have it. The magnet is just too tempting.

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