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April 05, 2008


Lori V.

I have a few drafts lingering for just that same cyclothymic reason... Alas, indeed...

Amy Sorensen

You know I perk up a little bit anytime someone uses the word "alas," right?

Anyway. I am finding that my lows are a little bit less low ("higher" hardly seems like the right word there, but still) now that I am exercising more regularly. But I hear ya, sister. Even down in my not-as-deep well.

Blue Like the Sky

Well, I didn't get out of bed until 10 today so I hear you loud and clear. And when I did, all I could think of was donuts. If I'd had my 'druthers, I would have closed the door and remained incommunicado for at least 24 hours.

A Very Smart Woman once said to me, "Just remember that you're writing even when you're not writing."

It'll happen when it's ripe. Take a nap.


Hey Molly...

Why is it we (women) think we have to do it ALL all the time?

Seriously, I need to reform my eating habits, declutter, be a preschool mom, exercise, be a community volunteer, spend time with friends, cook dinner, unpack the last 7 boxes from our move seven months ago, be a wife and run my business (and not necessarily in that order of priority). I mean, is it possible to concentrate on logging my food and make sure all excess lights and electronics are off to save the planet?

I think it's how we manage to beat ourselves into a quivering mental pulp... because we fail to recognize all the things we do get done and do well because we're so focused on what else we need or want to do.

Take a minute to celebrate your success!


one of my favorite mentors told me that if you're not failing at least 1/3 of the time, you're not trying hard enough.

as a fellow sufferer of sometimes-I'm-bananas-sometimes-I'm-sludge, may I suggest reminding yourself that if you're too tired (or too whatever) to GSH, then you're wasting whatever energy you do have when you spend time trashing yourself.

I love you.



My hands are cold too. :) And there is a to do list around... but it's too long. So I'm just sitting and procrastinating for a bit.


and unless it is really a time sensitive post, then just hold onto it until the time is right. if it is time-sensitive, post it anyway, we'll understand. =)
otherwise, little steps.


Eh, I'm with you sister. I mean, like, I procrastinate on important things like....well, lets just say I wind up playing WOW while Caden's bathroom smells like pee. I'm just saying.
Oh but um, NO! I haven't heard of the D and D RPG- I'm going to have to search for it now, so we can hook up and play. Seriously, would love it. You would like WOW though....think about it. I'd re-roll a character to start over with you.....

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