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March 21, 2008



Hey, cats are always good. I'd be interested to hear about homeschooling, too.


i love hearing about all of it. even the red wine diet (tho i don't like wine, except the fru-fru stuff). but then, you are awesome like awesome is awesome and those of us who know you know this best.
yup yup yup travels, homeschooling, recipes, odd thots, all good.
you know what would be cooler than cool tho? you reading my journal and commenting more. yup reciprocity.

Lori V.

If you're writing it, I'm reading it, baby. I'm nothing if not faithful (I'm a Cancer, remember?).

But, if you could pull the recipe for that Corn & Bleu Cheese risotto we had at The Farm out of your arse...nal... that would be great! :-P

Lori V.

CAFE. The Farm CAFE. My bad.


What are ya wearing?

Magpie Ima

Anything you write is great. Bring it on!


Homeschooling. Homeschooling please. All avenues of it including your daily routines involving the Jedi Temple Academy. Oh and your views on California's ban on it.

Lori V.

California has a ban on homeschooling? Are you kidding me?

I was a one-semester homeschooler, as a transition from public school to a specialized private school. I wasn't very good at it, because I'm not the most patient type. But I know that we had to do it in order for my son to make it.

Parents should choose schooling tailored to their children's needs, not to cookie cutter standards. Even if it means having different children in the same family attending different types of schools.


I want to hear about it all. Especially the Red Wine DIet which, as you know, I am also on. I drink and then answer emails, mostly on Thursday which is my Lost viewing day. ( Although, as it stands, not so much until April 24th. )
I love to hear about the life in the Northwest- I have never been further than Tennessee and I live vicariously through those who have.
POst mama. Post away.


Red wine, cats, and homeschooling... in exactly that order. :)


and meerkats! and your budding career as a science writer.


I feel that I have the Red Wine Diet down to an art. Sharing recipe's is always good. But mostly it's nice just to read about what my old mates are up to so any mental spatter is pretty much fine with me.

I've been neglecting my own blog (creatively) for some time now, so you *may* have just motivated me to actually do something about that.


What should be my fifth thing about me for Saturday?

And, what time is your test? Will we coincide? Should we have a cocktail afterwards with the husbands?

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