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March 01, 2008



Oh no! That's so sad. :(


Poor Darius. Poor Your Brother. :(

Amy Sorensen

It is amazing to me how much those furry four-legged beings become a part of who we are. I'm so sorry about poor Darius...hoping your brother is doing OK today.

Lori V.

Molly, you are one of the most amazing buds (and, I'm sure, sisters) anyone could ever imagine!

RIP, Darius. I hope your brother is handling this okay; I'm definitely not looking forward to the day when I have to face the emptiness of losing one of my purrballs.

Magpie Ima

I am so sorry. I always thought that once I had kids the cats would take a smaller role but it still feels awful to lose a cat, especially one who's been around forever.


Oh how sad. I'm so sorry.

Angie S

Hey Molly- I miss you. Hope to see you in June. You have been tagged.


oh poor B. hope he is doing better by now. i imagine the attachment worked both way as cats always socialize us as much (or more) than we socialize them. ::pets:: to your brother.

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