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August 04, 2007



Did I tell you wrong? I think it's actually Sqawk Mountain. And we now have some reservations about the material. We don't know if it's the installer or the product.

Lori V.

Why buy a newspaper when your blog is so much more entertaining, Molly?

BTW, I am totally down on those bloodthirsty meerkats right now... angry, deeply disturbed, murderous little bastards, aren't they? (Sorry, I just finished the Recap of Season 2 of Meerkat Manor, and I lost count of the number of babies that were eaten by rival families.)

m i c h e l l e

Hello...I found your blog when I googled "hysterically funny and deliciously sarcastic" + "democrat."

You're my kinda girl!!! :-)


Ha! I had somebody find my blog once searching for "hunching block." I don't think I want to know what that is.


I've had really odd searches lead to me as well.

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