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July 18, 2007


Sven DiMilo

Congratulations on your purchase.
However, it's water-cooled, and thus hardly even counts as a Volkswagen.

Jim Newman

No, no, this is 2 litres of air cooled power! (The water came in 1983 I think.)

Wanda E. Santiago

Looks awesome Molly can't wait to read of your adventures!! Hugs Wanda


Yeah! Sounds like so much fun!!!! I am glad you guys are bringing so many good things into your life. Looking forward to the stories!


Yay! I can see you zipping around the Northwest in it!


Have you seen this http://www.verdier.ca/? Way cool!


Absolutely wonderful! I've heard many a tale about great camping/adventuring experiences in such vehicles. Right now I'm still riding around in my 1991 Chevy Cavalier (which I paid $400 cash for), but just so long as I see other people driving them, I know that mine will probably hold out for a bit longer.

Lori V.

Congrats, Molly! I'm emailing you, too, but I'm still flying in on the 25th,if you're still up for dinner! :-)


A great little campground in the Gorge area, Hood River to be exact, is the Tucker Campground. If you stay close to the river... trains every 45 minutes to an hour... all night, too. While heading east you must stop at the McMennamin's Edgefield in Troutdale, fun times for the whole fam.

In and around Hood River all sorts of things to do, bike, play in/on the river, hike, etc etc. You can pick up a Gorge Guide in any retailer in town. I noted there are a couple of Letterboxing items in the general area, and the Interpretive Center in the Dalles is all things Gorge-ish (Gorgeous). Really, too much to do to put in a comment sectionm. Have fun! Westfalias rock (especially in the wind!!)

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