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August 25, 2006


Jennifer Adams Donnelly

Yeah, but Elmer's glue is FUN! I should get a bottle... I haven't "peeled my skin off" in years. Hmmm.. maybe that's why our kindergarten specified glue sticks.

And don't you love the Bob books? We did them this summer and went from not reading to reading a little... ok that sounds not very impressive, but it is.


Every child needs to know the importance of good gas mileage LOL! Seriously, I wish all kids could get as good an education as yours.

Jill S

I've been eagerly awaiting tales of the JTA. You make homeschooling sound like a wonderful experience!

Wanda E. Santiago

Sounds like a full week of learning. Tha is awesome! Much love and hope his mouth is getting better!! Wanda

Heather Stecher (Chacounne - Absolute Write)

Hello :)

Just got here via your link on Absolute Write :) My upstairs neighbours and friends for thirty years homeschool their kids, who would be glad to put you in touch, if you'd like.

Also, since your youngest is into castles and knights, I can hook you up with the local SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) group, if you'd like. We are word wide organization that recreates the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

Let me know if you're interested in either one.

Take good care,

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