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August 21, 2006



Aww...poor guy...after such a great day, too! Congrats on your first day of Jedi Temple Academy...here's to many more!

Jennifer Adams Donnelly

Oh... poor guy. But sounds like a great day, otherwise!


Hooray for Jedi Temple Academy: Where Great Minds Read About Knights. And hooray for Fisher, who's looking awfully grown. Sniff.

Any chance you have an extra copy of Handwriting w/o Tears? My writing makes me weep, or at least squint in puzzlement.

Amy Sorensen

You amaze me! I hope every day is as good as the first day of JTA!


Congratulations on a mostly good first day. Sorry to hear about the bike accident.


Poor Rhys~May he be healed promptly, though it *is* frustrating to heal "regular" and "without the aid of socery" my 5 year-old godson Owen has just informed me when I told him this story. Owen is a steadfast opposer to helmets and thusly, never gets to ride when we all go out. I keep waiting for him to break as he has to be may to ride in the "baby" wagon with, *ahem* Caden the baby, but he's still holding out.

Your Academy sounds wonderful. I should enroll my husband in your handwriting class.


Big day for you!

Wanda E. Santiago

Poor baby the lip is looking like it hurts. Looks like you are keeping him busy!! Hugs Wanda

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