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July 28, 2006



No way. I don't believe it. I almost believed it until I saw that "Thank God I Was Raped TM" was their example...

Ugh. It can't be. Can it?


jeez. "Thank God I" is real! that was the scariest website visit ever...

Jennifer Lynn

That is classic. Oh my goodness - thank you for the daily chuckle!


Thank God My Mogwai Got Wet
Thank Gob My Mogwai Was Fed After Midnight


Thank God My Mogwai Got Wet
Thank God My Mogwai Was Fed After Midnight


Okay, that Chicken Soup ditty is feeling a mite bit better now. *They* paid me, not the other way around.

Oy vey. But, as they say, "a sucker is born..."

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