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April 18, 2006


Kiki Wolfie

Ya know, it makes you wonder why these people take the time to comment on and/or read your blog??? I think it's a sign of a sociopath, if you don't like it, don't read it!! Also clearly threatned by what your saying, very sad, don't let it get you down! You rock!!


Hang in there. Don't give him a voice. It's not worth it.

Jill S

You Go Girl!


"pixilated ass"...Love it! Thanks for the book recommendations in the last post...goin' to check them out.


People who feel the need to post comments even though they have nothing nice to say are called "anal retentive". It's an illness really. They can't help being stupid assholes. Forgive them? Or flip off the screen anytime they try to comment. Whatever works best for you. ;)

stephanie thiel

I am lovin' the hell out of your blog Molly!
You are one ballsy lady!! Keep it up!!

Jennifer Lynn

Ugh... what jackasses. I had to go to comment approval on my blog because of a small group of bitter blog stalkers. Some people need to GET A LIFE!

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