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April 18, 2006



Molly, I adore your politics. And I, too, am guilty of getting so, so angry I can't see straight about these things but not putting that energy anywhere useful. I'll definitely check out those books.


Off to read those as well, thank you!

Jen G

whew! lots of anger in there, girl! I am with you, though -- tough to understand the why, tough to want to do something about it. Thanks for the good hard think!


Wow. You're such a happy person. I'm SO surprised!!

and just because I wanted to make sure you saw it, I came over here

"Hey, maybe you were born without a sex drive. That's cool... I do feel sorry for you, though... but the very notion that sex is not a natural, instinctive, inescapable drive is, well, just about the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. They don't even tell you that at fundie-church... the party line these days is that sex is a wonderful, natural Gift as long as it happens in the Marriage Bed with one's Lawfully/Sacramentally Approved Partner."

. . .honey, I waited 2.5 years to have sex with my wife, and it was mind-blowing. Still is, even after 17 years. Sex is indeed wonderful. When enjoyed in full humanity.

Instead as animals, as posited on Pahryngula.

Have a nice day!!!


Awww, gee, "compass," thanks for following me over here. Gosh, what would I have done if you had responded to me in the forum (Pharyngula, not "Pahryngula") where this conversation originally started? Somehow overlooked your twittish comments? I don't think so.

And don't call me "honey," you agrammatical monkey-snuffling good-for-nothing troll.

Have a nice day!!!


American Theocracy
is a new one.



Hi, Molly. I think I included this in the email I sent to your website email link, but "Assassination Vacation" by Sarah Vowell is an extremely enjoyable read about how one liberal dealt with the 2000 "election." Keep up the great work!


"Awww, gee, "compass," thanks for following me over here. Gosh, what would I have done if you had responded to me in the forum (Pharyngula, not "Pahryngula")" Spell correction, the last refuge of the argumentative.

See, I was just so EXCITED to comment here that I forgot myeslf.

"where this conversation originally started? Somehow overlooked your twittish comments? I don't think so." Hmm. Interesting that you spend so much time on what you label "contentless."

"And don't call me "honey," you agrammatical monkey-snuffling good-for-nothing troll."

OK, you persnickety, chronically-angry-not-to-mention-self-deceiving-wonderful-dear-of-a-person-you.


amen. to you, not to compass. the answer's in the question there.

Jill S

You might want to check out Democracy for America's "Night School" (democracyforamerica.com). It's the grass-roots progressive organization that started with Howard Dean's campaign for President. They are all about channelling your emotions into a coherent progressive message that can be shared on a one-on-one basis. With the mid-term elections on the horizon they're really looking to Paul and Peggy Progressive to make the case for an inclusive agenda in this country.

You might also want to check out http://www.ourtenwords.com/. The Governor of Iowas started this site in hopes of coming up with an easy to understand 10 word statement on progressive values.

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