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April 06, 2006



i'm so sorry. i hope uncle pete's in a more comfortable place without pain. hugs.


what a cool little tribute.
Bet Uncle Pete's in his new swinging digs reading a Garfield comic.... Thinking of you guys.


Ah Molly, I'm so sorry. Really sorry.


I'm so sorry...Beautiful tribute.

Jen G

what a wonderful man. I am sorry for your loss.


Oh Molly, I'm so sorry to hear. May his Memory be Eternal.


most wonderful tribute ever. i'm sorry for your family's loss...it's the rare person, male or female that, inspite of their own horrible daily pain, can pull themselves out of their world to give timeless memories like your Uncle Pete did for your boys. that, my friend, is a tribute.
that - is love.

Amy Sorensen


I'm sorry to hear about this death, Molly. I hope the good memories will make it just a little easier to deal with.

Wanda E. Santiago

Hey beautiful so sorry for your lost sending you some hugs!! Wanda

Lisa Truesdell

sending ((hugs)) and good thoughts to you and yours..

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