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March 19, 2006




'nuff said.

Jennifer Lynn

Yeouch... that is some crazy stuff!

Amy Sorensen

Wow. Just...wow. Every day I am reminded that people are just downright weird. That link was my reminder today!




Serious yecch!
OMG...I can't imagine my father even uttering the word "sex" to my husband. And if the question involved animals, well, let's just say my guy loves me, but he would have probably run for the hills and I'd never have seen him again. He'd have thought my family was too weird to get involved with.
Just goes to show you that conservative or liberal, religious or non, there are a lot a freaky people out there in all walks of life. Yikes.
And as for the beating children thing...beyond sick. Not just weird. There are so many acceptable ways to discipline a child, that I can't help but think of those who actually harm them as disgustingly evil. Yuck.


Wow...can't think of anything else to say...Makes you wonder what makes people the way they are and how they think...wow.

Ann I

Who the heck thinks that website is a good thing? Yikes!


I think they have been around for a while... Maybe some publicity will be good. But then, it makes me wonder why these people are so desperate that they think it would be a good idea in the first place. Something is not right.


Okay. Breathe. What in the WORLD? Guess I need to see what these links are. Though it sounds as if I'll need to go puke once I finish.

stephanie thiel

A mother in our playgroup (a raging fundamentalist) believed in spanking...I mean serious corporal punishment. Once when she was here, her little guy misbehaved in some way that really sent her into a royal tizzy fit (of course he was into everything, he was 3 for gosh sakes!)...She asked me for a wooden spoon. What for? To beat the cra out of this little one. I told her to leave...And...If I ever saw her wail on either one of her kids or anyone elses, I'd call CPS. What kind of Christian crap is that??

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