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March 15, 2006



Wow! It will be so much fun going through all that stuff! They're going to learn so much. Oh I would love a journaling class or book by you. Is that a hint? :)

Thena Smith

I would probably buy or sign up for anything and everything you do. You make things fun.


Amy Sorensen

Molly, I am amazed at your bravery! I mean, I know you're a fabulous girl but the thought of homeschooling makes me quiver. I AM TOO SELFISH. I'm too much of a solitude junky. So I am admiring you right now!

And, HELL YES I'd buy your journaling book! That'd be awesome! In theory I'd take a online journaling class, but in reality I've had this baby who has severely limited my computer time, so in reality I know I'd miss all the lessons...Anyway, I hope that means good things are happening in your future!


Yes, I would buy anything from u..the moment I saw your banner I just knew you GET IT! I'm emailing you somethun pretty hilarious if you haven't seen it already...


So, how does one enroll in the Newman School? I will drop my daughters off at 8 Monday morning. thanks! (if only you were a few hundred miles closer...)

ha ha your un-curriculum sounds great! i love when a teacher ties together history, science, art, english, writing, etc.

You, a jounraling book? I am so there. I love your writing style and would appreciate and insight into your process. keep us posted.


YES about your class and great books!


Yes to the book and double yes to the online class. :-D


Don't forget some chemistry. I've got a great curriculum from Storyline with inflating baggies and curdling milk and green water that won't mix with oil!


I will sign up for everything in the Newman School, except that math bit =P, so heck ya bring on the realstyle journaling. =)


Love the idea of a journaling book! (Take submissions! Pick me! Pick me!) Seriously, journaling is the part of this crazy scrapbooking obsession that just works for me. I believe in it even more than I believe in Chatterbox...and that is saying a LOT.

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