...now the network's up again.
Coincidence? You decide.
Must've forgotten to make my monthly sacrifice to the Genii of the Network. But they appear to have forgotten how annoyed they are/were with me...
So without further ado:
Geekiness Is Hereditary
How to tell if your child has inherited your Geek tendencies:
10. Children show limitless excitement at prospect of going to the library.
9. 5-year-old expresses desire for own library card (and wants to call his father from the library to tell him he's getting one, though he's thwarted by library's no-cell rule).
8. 5YO checks out two books: "100 Greatest Archaeological Discoveries of All Time" and "Mexican Cooking for Kids."
7. 3YO checks out two books: "First Facts about the Middle Ages" and "Knight" (an Eyewitness Book).
6. 5YO wants to hear you recount tales of your glory days as an Academic Decathlon champion (and is much more interested in the SuperQuiz than in the drunken afterparties in the hotel hot tub).
5. Children invent a complex mathematical game involving rolling combinations of Mama's polyhedral dice.
4. 5YO wants to be a scientist when he grows up. More specifically, either a wildlife ecologist or an archaeologist.
3. 5YO admires Mama's miukumauku tattoo and offers suggestions for other typographical body art.
2. 3YO constantly asks parents to draw plans for castles for him to build with his blocks (that is, when he's not playing Go Fish with his dinosaur cards. Deinonychus is his favorite).
1. Children look like this:
Sir Flamey-Flame and King Chicken are my heroes. Those pics would be funny taken individually, but taken together, they are almost too-funny-to-be-borne.
Posted by: Herm | April 13, 2005 at 03:13 PM
They may be geeks, but they're certainly the cutest geeks EVER.
Posted by: traci | April 13, 2005 at 04:13 PM
Sir Flamey-Flame and King Chicken can rescue me from the evil Dragon any day.
Posted by: Elaine | April 14, 2005 at 06:29 AM
I laughed at those hilarious helmeted honeypies until I 'most fell off my chair. They are quite the most adorable mini-geeks I've ever seen.
Posted by: grammy | April 19, 2005 at 03:24 PM
I laughed at those hilarious helmeted honeypies until I 'most fell off my chair. They are quite the most adorable mini-geeks I've ever seen.
Posted by: grammy | April 19, 2005 at 03:24 PM
OMG... rolling on the floor. I am SO afraid this will be my children.
Posted by: Jennifer Lynn | April 22, 2005 at 08:18 PM